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The Art of Beekeeping

Posted by Justin Zautner on


     Here at In Dew Thyme we are proud of the fact that we are providing the most natural products to world as we can.  Last year, due to the shortage of bees in the United States we decided to put on the hat of Beekeeper!  It was very new to us, but what do you do when you want to try something new?  You read books, find a mentor and take action.  We started with two hives.  Five to six THOUSAND bees!  What an adventure it's been so far! The first year you can expect around 50-75 pounds of honey from you bees if conditions are right.  Year two you can expect more.  

From 2015-2016 beekeepers lost 44% of their bees.  That's nearly half!  We felt it last year.  From our two hives, one of them flew away!  We lost half just like that.  This year we will be investing in more hives and working towards pounds of delicious, homemade honey!


Happy Beekeeping!!





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